Last updated: September 27, 2016
What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.
July 31
Meet your guide for a pre-trip meeting at 4 pm in Fairbanks at Arctic Wild headquarters.
August 1
Fly north from Fairbanks across the Yukon River to Bettles, a little “Outpost of Progress” in the Brooks Range. Here, we board a smaller plane and continue on into the Gates of the Arctic National Park. Our skilled pilot lands us on a gravel bar . . . and then the plane leaves and we are alone in the grandeur of the wilderness.
August 2 - 7
There are several routes we can take, and the route will be tailored to your interests and abilities. One version is about 30 miles and one variant almost 40. Some of the terrain is difficult. All of it is spectacular. There are no constructed trails and a 6 mile-day with packs is enough to make you feel you have earned your dinner. It usually takes a couple days of hiking to get into the high alpine basins. Once in the high country, we time to explore the spires, tarns and high passes. After crossing the high pass we descend back to the Alatna Valley with lighter packs and trail-hardened legs.
August 8
Await the arrival of our bush plane at Takahula Lake. Weather permitting we fly to Bettles and spend the night in this frontier town easing your transition into the busy world. Your lodging is included but meals are on your own.
August 9
Catch the morning flight to Fairbanks.