Last updated: April 16, 2019
What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.
September 14
Meet your guide for a pre-trip meeting at 4pm in Fairbanks at Arctic Wild headquarters in Fairbanks.
September 15
Fly from Fairbanks, over the Yukon River, across the Arctic Circle, and over the Brooks Range and onto the Arctic Coast. We’ll land in Kaktovik where we settle into our hotel before exploring the community on foot.
September 16
Weather permitting, we will enjoy two 1/2 day-boat rides with a local guide. We will certainly see polar bears but we may also see bowhead whales, bearded seals and perhaps even beluga whales. Once back on shore and fed, we await evening and then will may have the opportunity to watch bears on the beach.
September 17
Another full day in Kaktovik and we will spend the bulk of it on the water with our local guide. The exact schedule will be determined by the weather and the bears but with a full day to explore we can travel a bit further and take time to watch the bears interacting with each other.
September 18
A final trip out on the water to see what the bears are up to. Changing light, temperatures, and weather make each trip on the water unique. We will have the bulk of the day to watch loons, eiders, or polar bears, or do whatever suits your fancy. Weather permitting, we will fly back to Fairbanks in time for dinner.