Last updated: January 23, 2020
What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.
Day 0
Meet your guide at the Arctic Wild “World Headquarters” for a pre-trip meeting at 4 pm.
Day 1
After loading canoes and equipment we head east down the highway from Fairbanks towards the town of Delta and the Alaska Range. After fueling up on burgers and ice cream in Delta Junction, we head into the mountains and begin craning our necks for Dall Sheep. After shuttling the pick-up vehicle and loading the canoes we head out on the lake, leaving civilization behind. We need not go far the first day and we have lots of time to practice our canoeing and to learn new strokes. After about seven miles of paddling, we will camp where glaciers have piled gravel at the lakes end making a high and dry ridge forming a peninsula sticking far into the lake with views back up the lake.
Day 2
No need to pack up this morning. We will spend two nights at this spectacular location and can spend the day hiking. We can head up Sugar Loaf Mountain or cross the lake and head up into a high alpine cirque. With luck we can feast on fresh fish and blueberries for dinner.
Day 3
After breakfast we load the canoes and paddle the remaining miles on the lake. When the current gets swift, we pull over and prepare to carry our boats and gear on the ½-mile portage trail. Once we get back to the river we reload the canoes and carefully descend the remaining rapids. After several more miles of fun paddling we make camp where a side creek enters the Delta and the fishing is good.
Day 4
No need to hurry this morning, we have only 6 miles to paddle and the current moves us quickly. We can spend the morning hiking, fishing or telling stories around the fire. When we are ready to head back toward civilization we can paddle down the river and to the waiting vehicles.