Marsh Fork Canning

Marsh Fork Canning


June 17, 2026 - June 24, 2026


Arctic National Wildlife Refuge





June 17, 2026 - June 24, 2026


Arctic National Wildlife Refuge



Our journey through the wilderness and down the Marsh Fork of the Canning River is designed to immerse you in the beauty of this exceptional area, introduce you to its varied wildlife, and to facilitate your learning about wilderness travel. The Marsh Fork offers fun rafting and nearly endless hiking opportunities. Naturalists will delight in the diversity of wildlife and birds.


The Canning begins amid some of the Brooks Range’s most jagged limestone mountains. The Marsh Fork is exceptionally rugged and severely beautiful. Some people claim that it is the most beautiful part of the Brooks Range, high praise indeed!

As the river flows seaward, it rushes north through a spectacular valley of folded sedimentary cliffs, narrow canyons, and broad tundra benches cloaked in flowers each June. Paddling the Marsh Fork is like entering a painting with impossible colors and improbable landforms. No description could do the area justice.

Clear water over colorful rocks carry the rafts swiftly downriver, through innumerable braided channels, around thickets of willow, and beneath cliff faces with screaming falcons. Each day on the river brings new surprises and ever changing vistas.

From each of our camps there will be time and opportunity for day hikes deeper into the mountains in search of wildlife and wonder. Other activities can include fishing for grayling and arctic char, making casts of tracks we find in the mud, or simply enjoying the quiet of the wilderness.

Wildlife encounters are difficult to predict, but in years past we have seen a great variety of wildlife on the Canning River. Sightings have included grizzly bears, wolves, arctic and red fox, Dall sheep, moose, caribou, musk oxen, and even wolverine.

Large groups of caribou are not typical in mid-June here on the Marsh Fork, but it is certainly possible that we will encounter numerous bands of bull caribou as they head through the mountains in migration towards the calving grounds to the north. The unpredictability of wildlife encounters is part of what makes them so special.

For birds you can expect to see a host of passerines including some rarities like bluethroats, northern wheatears and wagtails. Raptors will nesting and they are a common sight near the river. We may see golden eagles, peregrine falcons, gyrfalcons, rough-legged hawks, short-eared owls, and maybe even the snowy owl towards the end of the trip.

We will spend our time floating from the tiny headwaters of the Marsh Fork to the northern edge of the mountains. The Marsh Fork is fast and clear, splashy in places and ever changing.

Along the way we will have lots of time to enjoy day hiking, fishing, or just hanging around camp, enjoying the solitude and quiet. The hiking is fantastic the entire length of the river and wildlife can be found at any time.

There are hard hikes and easy strolls from each camp. We can ascend long tundra ridges into the high-country where we see horned larks, northern wheatears and other unique arctic birds and wildlife.

There are also beautiful canyons and grottos closer to the river that are fun to explore. Hidden waterfalls and even small Cottonwood forests can be found in the tributaries. Only your imagination (and prudence) limit the adventures we can have.

On our travel days we will paddle for about 6 hours. There is a bit of whitewater and lots of fast water but also plenty of stretches where we can watch the sky and scan the mountains for wildlife. This is a moderately difficult trip, not a “float”. We may have to drag the boats over shallow spots; we will have to paddle to get where we’re going, even though the current is always swift.

There is Class III- whitewater at several points along the river. However, no experience is required for paddle rafting, as instruction is provided. Everyone joins in the fun of paddling the boats under the guidance of a raft captain.

If you are interested in spending even more time in the wilderness, this trip can combine with a backpacking trip immediately prior, and/ or our Canning to the Coast canoe trip immediately to follow.

Last updated: March 11, 2025


What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.

June 16

Meet with your guide at 4 pm for a pre-trip meeting in Fairbanks at Arctic Wild headquarters.

June 17

Fly from Fairbanks to the Gwich’in settlement of Arctic Village, where we switch to a smaller plane and head further north, over the spectacular Philip Smith Mountains, to our put-in on on the Marsh Fork of the Canning River. The sun won’t even think about setting so we can hike all night if you want!

June 18

Ideally we will take a layover day right at the start of the trip so we can settle into the country and get used to the majesty of the landscape. There is excellent hiking further into the headwaters or up a nearby ridge. There is lots of Dall sheep habitat in the headwaters so we will scan for them amongst the rocks. Sometimes we get to see golden eagles hunting lambs and have seen wolves in this area more than once.

June 19 - 20

The river is small at the start and there are places where if the river is low we might get stuck in the shallows and have to bounce over a sandbar if we misjudge a channel. It is all part of the adventure and we will work together to propel and steer the rafts down the Marsh Fork.

We like to take a long lunch on paddling days to look around, perhaps take a short stroll, search out fossilized coral, or even catch a quick nap out of the wind.

After several miles the river collects itself and we leave the shallows behind. There are numerous small cliffs right near the river and some truly spectacular mountains that tower above the river.

June 21

Happy Solstice at 69° degrees north! There are some extraordinary hikes in the mid-section of the Marsh Fork so it is a good area to take another layover day. We found a hidden canyon with a waterfall many years ago, there is a long hike that ascends one ridge and returns to the Canning via a connecting ridge forming an 8 mile loop. But even after 30 years of exploring the Canning there are an endless number of hikes we’ve never done and several more lifetimes of exploration to be done. Each trip is unique and hikes are tailored to your interests and abilities.

June 22 - 23

The Marsh Fork collects a few tributaries and several springs give it volume as it enters the narrowest portion of the valley. There is a 2 mile section that offers the most challenging (fun) paddling on the trip. There are no defined rapids, but rather a long “busy” section of river where we are constantly shifting and spinning to stay in the deep water and avoid the crowd of rocks all around.

Once the boulder garden is behind us the river slows, spreads into a braided delta where the Marsh Fork joins the mainstem, mixing greenish waters with impossibly clear mountain water of the Marsh Fork.

The final paddling day is on the Canning River and the towering cliffs are replaced with a broad sky and distant vistas. The broad valley is rich in wildlife and the willow thickets are a good place to look for muskox.

We spend the final night of the trip at the sandbar where the airplane will land the following day.

June 24

Pack our gear and await the arrival of our bush pilot, who will land on a long gravel bar. Weather permitting, we will fly back to Fairbanks in time for a late dinner.

Or if you are joining the Canning to the Coast canoe trip you get a day to explore, or rest before paddling to the Arctic Ocean.

Fire Building Lesson in the Brooks Range

Beyond expectations! Our family just returned from the most amazing trip with Arctic Wild. My wife, our 3 kids, and myself, paddled the Canning River through the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for 10 wonderful days.

Michael Wald was so organized and professional that gearing up for the trip was a breeze. We had some initial concerns in terms of water safety in such a remote place, as our kids are 9, 11, and 13 years old respectively, but Michael assured us that the rafts were very stable and that the rapids would be more splashy than scary. He was correct, and at no point in the trip did we feel out of our comfort zone.
Our guides, were exceptional. They were super knowledgeable guides, talented cooks, and fantastic with our kids. We spent many afternoons fishing on the river, hiking in the mountains, and learning about the Refuge first hand. It was truly a trip of a lifetime!

The experience was incredible, and our kids will remember it forever. We will be back!

- Craig, British Columbia, Canada



Round-trip airfare from Fairbanks

Food while in the wilderness, stoves, cooking & eating utensils

Boats, paddles, life jackets, safety & repair gear

Professional guide(s)

Select Camping Equipment is available through Arctic Wild


Non-camp lodging

Non-camp meals

Personal clothing and gear, See full equipment list

Fishing gear, and fishing license

Gratuity for guide(s)


Expect a variety of weather. Temperatures can range from in the 70’s down to freezing. Snow is always possible. But Mid-June is often seriously sunny and can be some of our nicest (if not warm) weather. Bugs shouldn’t be out yet, but bring some DEET and a head-net just in case they emerge early.


Land of Extremes, Alex Huryn

Alaska National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska Geographic

Midnight Wilderness, Debbie Miller

Being Caribou, Karsten Heuer

More Alaska reading is available from our Bookstore

"The wilderness was spectacular, the leadership perfect."
"I am just finishing my tenth trip with you guys. As always, the trip was more than I expected and I had a great time. See you next year!"
"Of all outfitters with whom we have worked (and that is quite a number), you were by far the most organized and responsive."
"That feeling of wide open wonder, the possibilities for nearly limitless wandering, and the image of those proud caribou...that will stay with me a long time"
"Our guide was an encyclopedia on legs. He was always willing and ready to teach, to talk, to listen, to do another hike, or to lie low in camp if we were beat. He truly gave us the trip we wanted!"
client client client client client
Eileen - Canning River