June in Alaska’s Arctic is sublime. Endless daylight combines with a seemingly limitless landscape to welcome a staggering variety of wildlife to the northernmost reaches of Alaska. From the imposing peaks of the Brooks Range to the icy beaches of the Arctic Coast the sun will not set for 100 days. And with that light comes incredible seasonal abundance.
Birds arrive to breed from around the globe. Caribou migrate thousands of miles to calve on the greening tundra. And those creatures who endured the long harsh winter 1500 miles from the North Pole flourish in the brilliance of the short Arctic summer. This June we invite you to walk the tundra, scan for wildlife, and relish the silence of true wilderness.
We plan to pitch camp in the northern Brooks Range, where the mountains give way to the arctic plains. From this comfortable base we can explore the region’s wonders. The tundra around camp beckons us to wander up the ridges for views and to kneel to inspect wildflowers and fossils. We can roam as far as we desire. It won’t get dark and we have no appointments with anyone but ourselves.
Beyond the local area accessible on foot, the region is vast beyond imagination. There are glaciers, sand dunes, lakes stretching over the horizon, lagoons filled with birds, and braided rivers pouring into the frozen sea.
The way to travel beyond the horizon is by bush plane. And we have chartered one capable of landing nearly anywhere in this undeveloped and massive landscape for the duration of the trip.
Our simple, yet comfortable camp allows us a measure of comfort in an austere landscape. Meals are shared out of doors in fine weather, or under the shelter of our spacious “cook tent” when needed. Each person, or couple has a private sleeping tent with or without a cot as requested. Meals are cooked on the stovetop or fire, are designed to suit your preferences, and provide a mix of fresh, dry, and tinned ingredients with plenty of Alaskan touches. Guides are on hand to help you as much as you need, while allowing you the freedom to learn and explore in your own ways too.
Each day of the trip will be different. The weather, along with your desires, and the intuition of your guides informs each day’s plan. Some days we will no doubt elect to wander the tundra near camp, marveling at the abundance and variety of wildflowers while hoping to see wildlife.
We will also spend some time in the bush plane in search of great herds of caribou. It is possible that we could find groups numbering in the tens of thousands, etching muddy trails into the green tundra. With luck we can land amongst the caribou and hear mothers and calves “talking” as they migrate. Large groups of caribou may elude us, but the search is well worth the effort.
Another day we will fly north from our camp to visit the most biologically productive wetland in the entire circumpolar Arctic, Teshekpuk Lake, an area relied upon by hundreds of thousands of birds, but almost completely unknown to most of humanity. And while we are that far north we can land on the arctic coast looking for polar bear tracks and watching sea birds weave amongst the sea ice near shore.
Each day will be an adventure and with endless daylight and unparalleled freedom we can make the most of each day without ever hurrying.