Last updated: December 10, 2020
What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.
June 18
Meet with your guide for a pre-trip meeting at 6:45 pm in Kotzebue
June 19
We fly north from Kotzebue and over the Brooks Range towards the vast coastal plain of the “North Slope”. We’ll use two planes this day. The guide will go first in the Super Cub and will search out the caribou and a suitable landing area. You’ll follow along in a larger plane and will land within 20 or 30 miles of the intended camp. From there the Super Cub will shuttle you to the camp.
Then the planes will leave us in peace in the vast wilderness. Once camp is set-up we will take a hike and (with luck) spend the rest of the day watching caribou calves frolicking in the sunshine.
June 20 - 21
We spend our time exploring the area looking for caribou and other wildlife. Your guide will lead hikes in hopes we can place ourselves in a hidden location in the path of the caribou. There will be times when no caribou are present (nice to get a break sometimes), but there is no end to the beauty of the arctic.
June 22
Despite all our research, flying, and preparation, it is possible that we were not able to find big groups of caribou on the first day. Or perhaps they were in an area with no suitable landing area and we camped nearby hoping they would come closer, and they, being wild and unpredictable went the other direction. If for whatever reason we’ve missed the mark on getting into the herds, the Super Cub will return and shuttle us one at a time to a new location. Where we will setup camp and resume our search/ observations of caribou.
June 23
Another full day to enjoy the solitude and beauty of North America’s greatest wilderness. More hiking and wildlife watching is the order of the day. If our first camp was high on a ridge with commanding views, our second camp will likely be along a river. finding and watching caribou will be the priority, but we will try to provide good hiking and varied scenery too.
June 24
We say our last goodbyes to the caribou and meet our bush pilot for our flight back to Kotzebue.