Last updated: December 12, 2024
What follows is a general flow of events. Expect the unexpected and prepare to be flexible.
August 10
Meet your guide in Fairbanks for a pre-trip meeting at 4 pm.
August 11
Catch the morning “mail plane” to Bettles, AK, population 12! After visiting the National Park headquarters we load into a smaller plane and fly the final miles into the Brooks Range. After landing on a small gravel bar and unloading, the plane disappears and we are alone in the wilderness. If the weather allowed an early start we should be able to hike up valley for a few hours this afternoon.
August 12
The second day of a hike usually feels like a break-in period. Shoulder your packs and we work our way across the tundra, through the river, over the tussocks, through the brush, back through the river and up towards our first pass.
It is worth the effort!
August 13
The glaciers are calling. Take the day to hike and scramble into the high country.
August 14
Packs are lighter now as we work towards the divide. Once we cross onto the south-side we negotiate a canyon deeply incised forming a twisting and dendritic labrynth for several miles.
At extreme low water you can splash your way down the creek below the canyon walls. Typically we have to climb out early and skirt the edge to get around it.
August 15
Up, up, up! This is the biggest pass on the route and the travel will be slow and careful. Animal trails should lead us safely over the 5700 foot pass and back into the Arctic watershed.
August 16
Surrounded by cirques, waterfalls, cliffs and glaciers the most challenging part of this day is deciding where to explore. This is a well earned lay-over day to rest, hike and bask in the glory of the high-country.
August 17
A final half day of hiking brings us near to the pick-up location and leaves enough time in the day to day-hike up a side valley to see and photograph the 2,000 sheer cliffs of the Cockedhat valley.
August 18
Alas, all good things must end. Rise early and hike the final miles to the airstrip. Weather permitting our plane arrives mid-day for the flights back to Fairbanks, landing back in the busy world in time for a shower and a late dinner.