Please follow this equipment list and do not bring extra gear.
Space is limited in the airplanes we use. Having lots of unnecessary items only makes packing and unpacking cumbersome. If an item is not on this list you really don’t need it. By carefully following this list you can keep your personal gear under 50 pounds.
This checklist has been developed from decades of experience. These are proven items. That said, personal clothing is indeed personal. Bring what you know to be comfortable and practical. If you have questions please ask us.
All garments should be synthetic or wool because they are light, fast-drying, and warmer when wet. Please leave your cotton clothes at home.
This is Alaska, and the weather can be ferocious. You should have 5 layers for your top and 4 for the bottom. For example, on top: a short sleeve thermal shirt, one heavier long sleeve thermal shirt, one fleece jacket, one down vest or parka and a Gortex or rubber shell over everything. On the bottom: two pairs long johns, one pair hiking pants and Gortex rain pants on top. With a warm hat and a neck gaiter you’re cozy even when the north wind howls.
We are serious about the need for extra rain gear on the Pacific coast in places like Glacier Bay, Katmai and the Aleutians. Bring two rain coats on these trips. A light pair for hiking and a heavier set works best.
We have a selection of camping equipment that we can lend you during your trip. If you have your own equipment you may prefer to bring it. If you do want to borrow ours please fill-out our Equipment Request Form at least 30 days prior to your trip. Items which we can provide for you are denoted with “AW” below.
Please use this as a literal checklist. When all the boxes are checked, ✓ you are done. Anything not on the list doesn’t belong.
Having trouble keeping your personal gear within the 50-pound limit? Please contact us.
AW | Backpack, Dry bag, or Duffle: This is the bag that will hold the bulk of your gear. A good water-resistant bag is the 100 liter Black Hole duffel. Suppliers like REI, NRS, LL Bean, and others carry these and similar bags. Sometimes we have to carry our gear up to a 1⁄2 mile from the airstrip to campsite. It is OK to have a couple smaller bags if that makes carrying things easier for you. | |
AW | Tent: A 3- or 4-season tent able to withstand strong winds and medium snow load. The stakes you bring must be able to hold in sand and gravel. We highly recommend yellow plastic 9” “Power Pegs.” There are lots of great tents on the market including Hilleberg and North Face. We have Alps tents available to borrow. | |
AW | Sleeping bag with stuff sack: Your sleeping bag should keep you comfortable to 15 to 20 F. The stuff sack should be lined with a plastic bag or placed in a waterproof stuff sack. Women often sleep colder than men, and a sleeping bag liner is a good way to add warmth and versatility. | |
AW | Sleeping pad: Inflatable pads like Thermarests are the warmest. | |
AW - Rubber boots | Rubber boots: These boots should come up to just below the knee and have room for insoles and heavy socks. Make sure they are comfortable, as you may spend many hours in them hiking over wet tundra. We can provide XtraTuf boots for you. A brand called MuckBoots are also popular. | |
Hiking boots: Goretex boots are ideal as the tundra, beach, etc. is often damp. For hikes where it is going to be very wet you will use your rubber boots. | ||
Boot insoles or footbeds: Even if (especially if) you are using our rubber boots, bring your own. Quick drying is important. Superfeet is a good brand. | ||
AW | Heavy duty rain pants: 3 layer Goretex bibs or similar. Good quality raingear is a must. Simms makes great bibs. Heavy duty, rubberized bib style rain pants like Grundens are totally waterproof but difficult to hike in. We have rubberized bibs to loan as a back-up if you are not confident your rain-pants. | |
Rain Jacket: We recommend 3 layer Gore-Tex or similar. Good quality rain-gear is absolutely essential. Patagonia makes a nice coat. Your rain coat needs to fit over all of your layers! | ||
Lightweight Rain Jacket: A second light rain jacket to take on hikes, wear in a mist, or wear under your bigger rain coat in a deluge. | ||
Rain Pants: For your back-up rain-pants we recommend 2 layer Goretex or similar. Good quality rain gear is a must. Leg zips are a nice feature but not essential. These are the rain pants you will take on a day hike. Mt Hardwear makes a good pair. Yup, we think you should bring 2 sets of rain gear! | ||
Day pack or fanny pack: Big enough for raingear, water bottle, camera and an extra layer. | ||
Camp shoes: Lightweight hiking boots can fill this need. Or bring a pair of lightweight shoes like Crocs, or sneakers. Sandals are not appropriate. | ||
Stuff sacks: For packing gear and clothes. Line them with a plastic bag as an extra precaution or purchase waterproof stuff sacks from Sea to Summit or similar. | ||
Trash compactor bags: For lining stuff sacks. This ensures that your clothes and sleeping bag will be dry. This is not neccesary if using waterproof stuff sacks. | ||
Socks: 3-4 pair heavy synthetic or wool. | ||
Light weight long johns: 1 – 2 pair top and bottoms. | ||
Hiking/ camp pants: Synthetic, fast drying. | ||
Heavy pants: Wool or fleece for the cold. | ||
Fleece jackets/ sweaters and or wool shirts: You need a total of 5 layers on your torso including long-johns. A cozy configuration could be 2 long-john shirts, one down sweater, one fleece jacket and a synthetic puffy vest or jacket. | ||
Shorts and T-shirt: Sometimes it is really hot, really! | ||
Sun shirt: Tightly woven, lightweight shirt to protect arms from sun and bugs. | ||
Warm hat: A nice warm comfortable winter hat. Do not skimp here. Many guides prefer 2 hats. One thick one for the day and a thinner one for sleeping. | ||
Neck gaiter: a.k.a. dickie, cowl, or neck warmer. A fleece or wool tube to wear around your neck or to augment your hat. A scarf works too. Buff makes some stylish ones. | ||
Brimmed hat: Whether a ball cap or a wrap-around brim, you’ll need something for the intense sun. Or to keep the rain out of your eyes. | ||
Gloves: pile or wool gloves. Bring a couple pairs. | ||
Quart water bottle. | ||
Personal toiletries: Scale down. For instance, you will not need a 6-oz. tube of toothpaste. | ||
Toilet paper: Place the roll in a quart-size Ziploc bag. | ||
Lighter: For burning toilet paper. You can bring this on your airline flight as carry-on or purchase when you get to Alaska. | ||
Flashlight/headlamp | ||
Mosquito head net: Hopefully you won’t need it but you will be really glad you have it if you do. | ||
Mosquito repellent: Keep in plastic bags. 35% DEET is adequate. | ||
Emergency kit: Band-Aids, aspirin, Moleskin, sewing kit. We carry a full medical kit, but having a few common items of your own is convenient. | ||
Special medications: Inform the guide of your special medications and consider bringing a backup supply for the guide to carry. | ||
Glasses or contacts: Bring an extra pair. | ||
Sunglasses and croakies: (strings that keep sunglasses on). | ||
Sunscreen, lip balm, and hand cream. | ||
Optional | “Bug shirt”: Original Bug Shirt Company is a good brand. We occasionally encounter black-flies. | |
Optional | Pocket knife | |
Highly Recommended | Goretex socks: Use these over heavy socks for day hiking to keep your feet as dry as possible. Sealskinz are a good choice. | |
Joke | Cell Phone: It won’t work. | |
Not Recommended | Satellite Phone, InReach, Spot Tracker or other satellite communication device: We carry a satellite phone for emergencies. Unplugging from communications is a valuable part of our trips. Call us if you want to discuss. | |
Identification and Credit Card: In theory you won’t need any money or an ID on the trip. But sometimes plans change and planes get re-routed. An unexpected night in a village is possible. You might as well bring ID and a card just in case. | ||
Optional | Watch: Best to leave it behind with the cell phone and your other worries. | |
Highly Recommended | Trekking poles: While theoretically optional, they can be essential on stream crossings and on tussocks (rough ground). | |
Optional | Camera: with memory cards and spare batteries. In a waterproof, compact, and durable case. | |
Highly Recommended | Binoculars: Though these are technically optional, we strongly recommend that you bring binoculars. You miss a lot without quality optics. Vortex makes a nice entry level pair as does Maven. | |
Optional | Bird book/nature guide: We carry a small library of natural history titles and field guides. Ask your guide at the pre-trip meeting about the contents so we don’t duplicate. | |
Optional | Reading material, journal, and pen | |
Optional | Chair: We usually pack three-legged stools for your use. If you prefer a Helinox or Crazy Creek chair of your own, let your guide know and we won’t lug the extra stool. | |
Optional | Small towel/wash cloth | |
Optional | Fishing pole: A small, folding backpack rod is sufficient. Pack in rigid container. | |
Optional | Fishing reel: Doesn’t have to be fancy. 6-12# test line is sufficient for most trips. Fly fishers will, of course, want to bring a fly reel. | |
Optional | Fishing lures: The fish aren’t really picky. Spinners with orange dots like Mepps work great. Bright colors are good when the water is murky. Grayling like flies or 1/8 oz kastmasters. Contact us to discuss fish and fishing for your particular trip. | |
Required if fishing | Fishing license: Fishing licenses can be obtained at many stores in Fairbanks or online. You may not fish anywhere in Alaska without a valid Alaska fishing license. |
Backpack, Dry bag, or Duffle: This is the bag that will hold the bulk of your gear. A good water-resistant bag is the 100 liter Black Hole duffel. Suppliers like REI, NRS, LL Bean, and others carry these and similar bags. Sometimes we have to carry our gear up to a 1⁄2 mile from the airstrip to campsite. It is OK to have a couple smaller bags if that makes carrying things easier for you.
Tent: A 3- or 4-season tent able to withstand strong winds and medium snow load. The stakes you bring must be able to hold in sand and gravel. We highly recommend yellow plastic 9” “Power Pegs.” There are lots of great tents on the market including Hilleberg and North Face. We have Alps tents available to borrow.
Sleeping bag with stuff sack: Your sleeping bag should keep you comfortable to 15 to 20 F. The stuff sack should be lined with a plastic bag or placed in a waterproof stuff sack. Women often sleep colder than men, and a sleeping bag liner is a good way to add warmth and versatility.
Sleeping pad: Inflatable pads like Thermarests are the warmest.
AW - Rubber boots
Hiking boots: Goretex boots are ideal as the tundra, beach, etc. is often damp. For hikes where it is going to be very wet you will use your rubber boots.
Boot insoles or footbeds: Even if (especially if) you are using our rubber boots, bring your own. Quick drying is important. Superfeet is a good brand.
Heavy duty rain pants: 3 layer Goretex bibs or similar. Good quality raingear is a must. Simms makes great bibs. Heavy duty, rubberized bib style rain pants like Grundens are totally waterproof but difficult to hike in. We have rubberized bibs to loan as a back-up if you are not confident your rain-pants.
Rain Jacket: We recommend 3 layer Gore-Tex or similar. Good quality rain-gear is absolutely essential. Patagonia makes a nice coat.
Your rain coat needs to fit over all of your layers!
Lightweight Rain Jacket: A second light rain jacket to take on hikes, wear in a mist, or wear under your bigger rain coat in a deluge.
Rain Pants: For your back-up rain-pants we recommend 2 layer Goretex or similar. Good quality rain gear is a must. Leg zips are a nice feature but not essential. These are the rain pants you will take on a day hike. Mt Hardwear makes a good pair.
Yup, we think you should bring 2 sets of rain gear!
Day pack or fanny pack: Big enough for raingear, water bottle, camera and an extra layer.
Camp shoes: Lightweight hiking boots can fill this need. Or bring a pair of lightweight shoes like Crocs, or sneakers. Sandals are not appropriate.
Stuff sacks: For packing gear and clothes. Line them with a plastic bag as an extra precaution or purchase waterproof stuff sacks from Sea to Summit or similar.
Trash compactor bags: For lining stuff sacks. This ensures that your clothes and sleeping bag will be dry. This is not neccesary if using waterproof stuff sacks.
Socks: 3-4 pair heavy synthetic or wool.
Light weight long johns: 1 – 2 pair top and bottoms.
Hiking/ camp pants: Synthetic, fast drying.
Heavy pants: Wool or fleece for the cold.
Fleece jackets/ sweaters and or wool shirts: You need a total of 5 layers on your torso including long-johns. A cozy configuration could be 2 long-john shirts, one down sweater, one fleece jacket and a synthetic puffy vest or jacket.
Shorts and T-shirt: Sometimes it is really hot, really!
Sun shirt: Tightly woven, lightweight shirt to protect arms from sun and bugs.
Warm hat: A nice warm comfortable winter hat. Do not skimp here. Many guides prefer 2 hats. One thick one for the day and a thinner one for sleeping.
Neck gaiter: a.k.a. dickie, cowl, or neck warmer. A fleece or wool tube to wear around your neck or to augment your hat. A scarf works too. Buff makes some stylish ones.
Brimmed hat: Whether a ball cap or a wrap-around brim, you’ll need something for the intense sun. Or to keep the rain out of your eyes.
Gloves: pile or wool gloves. Bring a couple pairs.
Quart water bottle.
Personal toiletries: Scale down. For instance, you will not need a 6-oz. tube of toothpaste.
Toilet paper: Place the roll in a quart-size Ziploc bag.
Lighter: For burning toilet paper. You can bring this on your airline flight as carry-on or purchase when you get to Alaska.
Mosquito head net: Hopefully you won’t need it but you will be really glad you have it if you do.
Mosquito repellent: Keep in plastic bags. 35% DEET is adequate.
Emergency kit: Band-Aids, aspirin, Moleskin, sewing kit. We carry a full medical kit, but having a few common items of your own is convenient.
Special medications: Inform the guide of your special medications and consider bringing a backup supply for the guide to carry.
Glasses or contacts: Bring an extra pair.
Sunglasses and croakies: (strings that keep sunglasses on).
Sunscreen, lip balm, and hand cream.
“Bug shirt”: Original Bug Shirt Company is a good brand. We occasionally encounter black-flies.
Pocket knife
Highly Recommended
Goretex socks: Use these over heavy socks for day hiking to keep your feet as dry as possible. Sealskinz are a good choice.
Cell Phone: It won’t work.
Not Recommended
Satellite Phone, InReach, Spot Tracker or other satellite communication device: We carry a satellite phone for emergencies. Unplugging from communications is a valuable part of our trips. Call us if you want to discuss.
Identification and Credit Card: In theory you won’t need any money or an ID on the trip. But sometimes plans change and planes get re-routed. An unexpected night in a village is possible. You might as well bring ID and a card just in case.
Watch: Best to leave it behind with the cell phone and your other worries.
Highly Recommended
Trekking poles: While theoretically optional, they can be essential on stream crossings and on tussocks (rough ground).
Camera: with memory cards and spare batteries. In a waterproof, compact, and durable case.
Highly Recommended
Bird book/nature guide: We carry a small library of natural history titles and field guides. Ask your guide at the pre-trip meeting about the contents so we don’t duplicate.
Reading material, journal, and pen
Chair: We usually pack three-legged stools for your use. If you prefer a Helinox or Crazy Creek chair of your own, let your guide know and we won’t lug the extra stool.
Small towel/wash cloth
Fishing pole: A small, folding backpack rod is sufficient. Pack in rigid container.
Fishing reel: Doesn’t have to be fancy. 6-12# test line is sufficient for most trips. Fly fishers will, of course, want to bring a fly reel.
Fishing lures: The fish aren’t really picky. Spinners with orange dots like Mepps work great. Bright colors are good when the water is murky. Grayling like flies or 1/8 oz kastmasters. Contact us to discuss fish and fishing for your particular trip.
Required if fishing
Fishing license: Fishing licenses can be obtained at many stores in Fairbanks or online. You may not fish anywhere in Alaska without a valid Alaska fishing license.